At Ravensthorpe Junior School, Art and Design provides the opportunity to develop and further our children’s creative and cultural capital through our broad and balanced curriculum. Our children are expected to research and refine their own ideas in order to develop spiralling skills and techniques while using a variety of different materials. We express our ideas using the appropriate terminology and language while engaging in evaluative discussions to extend our ability to debate and put forward our own opinions on our progressing artwork. Making choices and explaining our decisions are key skills which are relevant throughout the curriculum and our future life.
Different artists, designers and architects from a range of time periods are studied to inform both our wider knowledge and our current work. These range from Banksy’s graffiti in Y3 to Eugene Viollet-le-Duc (a sculptor of gargoyles) in Y4, to Hans Holbein – who famously sketched and painted The Tudors - in Y5 and Frida Kahlo, who was from Mexico City, in Y6. Themes are linked across the Key Stage too: for example, Andy Galsworthy’s sculptures from nature in Y3 link closely to William Morris and his printmaking - influenced by nature - in Y6. Art and Design is acknowledged by our community as an opportunity for all our pupils to shine; everyone is seen as an artist and all work is valued. Pupil Voice Feedback has clearly shown, over the last few years, that our children’s favourite subject is Art.
Art Progression Map
What will my child learn in Art in each year group and how does that develop from their work in KS1?