Wellbeing Council
At Ravensthorpe CE (VC) Junior School we believe that our pupils should learn about mental health and wellbeing to help us lead the school forward, making it the best school it can be. Our Wellbeing Council do just that!
The Wellbeing Council meets regularly with Miss Armitage and makes important decisions about key wellbeing issues in the school.
The Wellbeing Council is made up of several representatives from each class; pupils were chosen by the Deputy Headteacher based on their dedication towards supporting others.
The children are responsible for gathering the views of their peers as well as suggesting brilliant ideas of their own.
The Wellbeing council play an important role in promoting peer wellbeing within their school communities. By implementing a mentoring programme such as Wellbeing Champions, Wellbeing council members can help create a culture of care and support among their peers.
Last year, the Wellbeing Council were responsible for:
- Raising money for Children's Mental Health Day to spend on wellbeing books
- Organising our Children in Need contributions which included monetary donations to the charity and foodbank donations for the local area
- Hosting a weekly mindful lunchtime club (to continue this year!)